Enterprise Resource Planning (ATL-ERP)
Enterprise Resource & Planning Platform with Barcode - QR-code & RFID enabled warehouse operations. ATL-ERP can be operated through any...
Enterprise Resource Planning (ATL-ERP)
Quality Management System (ATL-DOCPRO Light)
Spreadsheet Management System(ATL-SPRDSHEET v1.00)
Computerize Maintenance Management Solution (ATL CMMS V1.0.0)
Document Management and Issuance Control(ATL-DCMS v 1.0.0)
Stability Sample Schedule Management(ATL SSSMS 2.0.0)
ATL PMS 1.0.0
ATL-Elogbook 1.0.0
Employee Upgradation and Training(ATL LMS 2.0.0)
Artwork Comparison Solution(ATL-Artwork 1.0)
@2019-2023 Anvesha Tech Lab Private Limited.