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Employee Upgradation and Training(ATL LMS 2.0.0)

TechLab’s Employee Upgradation and Training Module – a critical component of the TechLAB

Specifically designed keeping in mind the stringent rules and regulations that all the stake-holders in the Pharmaceutical Industry have to adhere to.
  • Imparts suitable training to all your employees – from entry level employees to senior management.

  • Ensures timely completion of training exercises and enforces strict standards for all employees to stay updated at all times.

  • Effectively conceives, develops and implements changes as and when required in any SOP

  • Automates the training and evaluation of employees, thereby establishing a higher standard of efficiency, transparency and better preparedness among the entire workforce.

  • CFR 21 part 11 compliant module.

Why is the continuous training of manpower crucial?
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry operates in a highly regulated environment where compliance to pre-decided and well defined standard operating procedure is of utmost importance.

  • It deals with sensitive drugs which affect the health of millions of people worldwide. Naturally, all aspects of the production to packaging to selling of the products need to conform to exacting standards.

  • This necessitates specialized equipment handling and procedural training to be imparted to all relevant individuals as per the demands of their involvement in the process.

Why does ATL’s Employee Upgradation and Training Module stand out?
  • Creates and maintains a central database wherein all necessary details are stored – from employee records to training schedules, test question banks to results.

  • Frees up senior management for strategic tasks rather than performing administrative and repetitive functions of imparting training to employees.

  • Gleans information from a huge stack of data and presents it to the decision makers in the form of charts/graphs/bottom lines so as to facilitate quick and correct decision making.

  • Ensures compliance of all employees at all times by incorporating and storing even the smallest of changes in a pre-defined SOP or the adoption of new techniques/technologies by the industry.

  • Enhances transparency, eliminates human bias, promotes timely completion of tasks and provides individual level satisfaction to each user of the system.


Distinct Training Modes:
  • Offers different modes of training as per the nature of the assignment – viz. instructor led training, computer based training or on-the-job training.

Relevant training imparted on a need to train basis:
  • Only those employees that are affected (and all those who are affected) by a certain change or revision in a particular document or SOP are marked out from the entire workforce. Then, the specific training is imparted to this marked group. Eliminates waste of human resources and time.

Effective Control of Documents:
  • Permissions for a particular document to ‘go live’ can be withheld until the employee completes the relevant training successfully. This step encourages the staff not only to complete a training module in time, but also to perform at the desired level of precision.

Online Assessment:
  • Provides an online option to the employee to take tests. The automatic assessment ensures unbiased evaluation of the employee’s performance and enhances transparency in the organization at the same time freeing up human resources for other important functions.

Question Banks:
  • A huge set of questions with the relevant answers can be stored in the system to serve as a central paper-setter. Each employee will get a unique set of questions/the same set of questions in a scrambled order so that no malpractice takes place while conducting tests.

Minimum Reading Time Allotment:
  • This feature ensures that an employee spends at least a bare minimum amount of time reading a document or a SOP of the organization before appearing for a test for the same. This is necessary to eliminate overconfidence among the workforce while at the same time making sure that all the important study material is actually read by those for which it has been designed.

Automated Execution of Administrative Tasks:
  • Completely automates the conduct of the entire training exercise – from allotment to follow-up, from reminders on course availability to scheduling and conduct of tests to evaluation and result declaration and record-keeping.

Document Redundancy Control:
  • A mechanism to ensure only the most updated and relevant training courses are available in the system. All previous versions/discarded courses are cleared/deleted so that there is clarity and conciseness in the system database.

Personnel Training Records:
  • Comprehensive details of all the tests taken and results achieved by any particular employee on any given date and all the training modules yet to be completed by the said employee – an up to date performance sheet per se - is available in the required format at just a single click.

Self-attestation and Verification:
  • The employee can declare that he/she has completed a set of basic level course that generally doesn’t require tests. This promotes a sense of responsibility in the individual while reducing the supervisory burden on the senior staff members.

TNI: The game-changer:
  • Identifying precisely only those employees that need to undergo a particular type of training – whether it is on the job, scheduled, refresher or advanced training irrespective of their department and current position in the organization is a mammoth task.

  • Errors of omission in imparting training can have grave consequences for the organization.

  • ATL’s unique logic behind its Training Need Identifier (TNI) frees youof this responsibility.

  • TNI maps and tags all those and only those employees that are required to undergo a particular training at any given point in time.

  • This decision takes into account initial, periodic, scheduled and event-based training that needs to be given to employees from time to time.

  • This marking of ‘in-the-need-of-training’ employees is the crux of the training paradigm.

  • Now, you can proceed with the scheduling and execution of all your training programs secure in the knowledge that all your employees are being updated on time, in time, every time.


@2019-2023 Anvesha Tech Lab Private Limited.

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